Challenging the confines of design and manufacturing
Autonomous Systems
With a sound foundation in Aerospace it was logical that Mincham would be an ideal candidate for the development and manufacture of autonomous systems. For more than a decade, Mincham has been building UAV platforms and sub-systems for defence and civil applications; with it continuing to be a key focus of our Research and Development program.

Pictured: Tube Launched Aerial Delivery System (T.L.A.D.S)
Research and Development
As a proud innovator, our culture has ensured considerable investment in the research and development of world-leading technologies.
Our Experience Includes:
- Aerial Delivery Systems
- Unmanned Systems
- Ballistic Products
- Aeromedical Equipment
- And other cutting edge technologies

High-Tech Industries
Whilst always determined to push the development of our own products; we are equally committed to ensuring our partners/customers remain as competitive as possible through advanced manufacturing and design solutions, through maintaining a progressive strategy we constantly ensure stakeholders remain on the bleeding edge.

Ballistic Solutions

Raptor SM is a successful example of the evolution of a teaming venture, which resulted in a formal partnership between Mincham and Spectre Ballistics, for the pursuit of world leading ballistic solutions. The organisation now develops and produces products such as, suppressor systems, muzzle breaks and other innovative solutions.
More Examples of our Products and Experience:
We’ve been involved in a plethora of interesting and boundary pushing projects. From Indigenous UAV platforms to cutting-edge X-Ray equipment; Mincham has truly had it’s hand in an impressive array of technologies.
The Sonar-Buoy Delivery System (SDS) was developed by Mincham, as an A-class store delivery system for the commonwealth.

We have several decades of experience in the design and manufacture of air, land and sea based radomes for some of the worlds leading radar/sensor developers.
We take pride in catering for the Aero-medical and medical industries, a sensational eample of this is Micro-X, whom design, develop and manufacture a range of innovative, ultra-lightweight, mobile x-ray imaging systems for medical and security applications.